Twelve Step List

The purpose of the twelve-step list is to provide the telephone responders with a list of people who are willing to have calls for help passed on to them. Twelve-step lists are usually compiled by a group Secretary or GSR.

Please complete the form below to submit the twelve-step list for your group. People can be added, updated or removed by making the appropriate selection from the drop down list.

To help you in collecting the information from your group a handy printable form can be downloaded by clicking the button below.

Members willing to make twelve step calls should have at least one year of continuous sobriety and be willing to accept these calls, meet the individual (with another person) and help the newcomer to a meeting. A leaflet called Hints and Suggestions for 12th Steppers is available at most meetings or can be ordered from GSO.

Please note: this form is for updating twelve-step lists. It is NOT for anyone wanting to join or go to a group.

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