Intergroup Vacancies

Listed below are the current Intergroup vacancies and positions that are vacant or due to become vacant shortly. You'll also find their job descriptions below each title. If you would like to volunteer or nominate someone for one of these positions, please email the ECLO by hitting the button below.

Below are the currently elected officers and their expected rotation dates.

(Ref. recommendation from the Conference Final Report 2021, Committee 4, Question 1)



The Treasurer has the responsibility for keeping a proper account of all intergroup finances and ensuring that funds are available for its essential current requirements. An annual budget exercise should be carried out to ensure that appropriate prudent reserves are maintained. The Treasurer reports to intergroup against the budget. Surplus funds should always be transferred promptly to GSO, ideally via the region treasurer.

The accounts should be open for inspection and presented to intergroup at each meeting. Group contributions should be clearly listed so that GSRs can confirm their group’s contributions have been received. This is a fundamental part of the audit trail. Having been audited or independently checked, annual accounts should be presented by the Treasurer to intergroup for approval at the AGM.

From the AA Service Structure Handbook for Great Britain 2023, The Intergroup, p.126. Please also see p. 128.


The Secretary has the responsibility with the Chair for preparing the agenda and minutes of meetings and for distributing these documents to the groups well before meetings so that there is ample time to discuss the contents. The Secretary deals with all correspondence, passing for example requests for speakers to outside organisations to the Public Information Officer or a suitable member. The Secretary keeps in touch with the General Service Office making sure that it promptly has a copy of the minutes and notice of any change of office.

More information about this position can be found in the AA Service Structure Handbook for Great Britain 2023, The Intergroup, p.126.

Telephone Liaison Officer

The Telephone Liaison Officer is responsible for coordinating local telephone responders and liaising with the Regional Telephone Liaison Officer. A minimum of two years sobriety is suggested for this role. 

More information about this position can be found in the AA Service Handbook for Great Britain, ch. 10.

Health Liaison Officer

The Health Liaison Officer is responsible for working with local health care providers. A minimum of two years sobriety is suggested for this role. 

More information about this position can be found in the AA Service Handbook for Great Britain, ch. 6.

Public Information Officer

A Public Information Officer is responsible for ensuring that information about the AA message and programme of recovery is conveyed to outside organisations to the best possible advantage. The provision of a panel of members to comply with requests for speakers is an important part of this activity.

A minimum of at least two years of sobriety is suggested.

More information about this position can be found in chapter one of the AA Service Handbook for Great Britain.

Regional Representative

Regional Representatives and alternates should be elected by their intergroup as carefully as Group Service Representatives. They should be chosen as a general rule from amongst serving GSRs but any member, who has the necessary qualifications, even if not at the time serving as a GSR, may be elected. Such a representative will attend all intergroup meetings to report from the region and to hear from the intergroup their wishes to be expressed at the next regional meeting.


This description is taken from the AA Structure Handbook for Great Britain, p. 127.

Further information about Region can be found in the AA Structure Handbook for Great Britain, p. 129.

Prison Liaison Officer

A Prison Liaison Officer is responsible for sponsoring prison groups.

Requires at least two years of sobriety.

More information about this position can be found in chapter eight of the AA Service Handbook for Great Britain.

Share Liaison Officer

SHARE/Roundabout Liaison Officers provide the essential contacts between members, groups and the editorial teams. They actively encourage the contribution of articles and letters and the promotion of the magazines.

The text above was taken from the AA Structure Handbook for Great Britain, p. 127.

Employment Liaison Officer

The responsibility of ELOs is to carry AA’s message to employers within their local area supported by intergroup and region and a PI/Service Committee if one exists. Employment specifically concerns any organisation employing or serving staff companies, trade unions and associations, government departments and/or related agencies. An established period of sobriety (ideally not less than three years) and a thorough knowledge of the AA Service Handbook for Great Britain are necessary before accepting this role. Willingness to commit to three years service and the ability to deal with a wide range of professional people and talk about AA when invited to do so, are also qualities that have proven to be desirable.

The text above was taken from the AA Service Handbook for Great Britain, ch. 5.

Young People's Liaison Officer

12:2 Young People’s Liaison Officers (YPLOs)

12:2.1 General Points

The YPLO will be someone who came into AA at the age of 30 or younger, and so will have experience of getting sober at a young age, the better to relate to the particular problems faced by young people seeking to live sober.

They should have a good working knowledge of the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions and the AA Service and Structure Handbooks GB.

YPLOs will work closely with other service officers, in particular those in Public Information.

The main tasks of YPLOs will include:

12:2.2 Intergroup Young People’s Liaison Officers

(Refer to section ‘The Intergroup’ of The AA Structure Handbook for Great Britain.)

It is through the intergroup assembly that the Intergroup Liaison Officer is elected.

It is recommended that Intergroup Liaison Officers should have ideally at least two years’ continuous sobriety when elected, and should serve for a maximum of three years. The Officer should have come into AA at the age of 30 or younger.

The main tasks of the Intergroup YPLOs are those mentioned in 12:2.1 above and to:

The text above is taken from Chapter 12 of the AA Service Handbook for Great Britain.