Brand Guidance

Should you need to produce documents for the Intergroup, please follow this brand guidance. A consistent look and feel to our material helps people to recognise Intergroup documents and enhances the standing of the Intergroup.

As the branding is the recognisable face of the Intergroup, it is important that it is used in a consistent way that reflects our philosophy.


Text should be presented in black, white or any of the three colours in this guide.

Font Specimen





Title - Avenir 28 Bold

Aa Title


Heading 1 - Avenir 24 Bold

Aa Heading 1


Heading 2 - Avenir 18 Bold

Aa Heading 2


Heading 3 - Avenir 13 Italic

Aa Heading 3


Body Text - Avenir 12

Aa Body Text


Footer/Caption Text - Avenir 8

Aa Footer/Caption Text

Colour Guide

The primary colour is intended to evoke a gentle, pastoral feel.

The grey is used for secondary items, for our logo and circle and triangle logo.

The orange colour is intended only as an accent colour and ought to be used very sparingly.

Primary Colour


Secondary Colour


Accent Colour



The logo must be displayed only as shown.

The logo may never be distorted. It must keep the correct aspect ratio.

The logo should never be rotated.

The logo must not be recoloured but can be displayed as white against a dark background.

Below is the generic logo as it should be used in most circumstances. 

The circle and triangle logo below (taken from the main logo) can be used on it's own for small applications.

Core Values

Unity, Service, Recovery

These three words usually appear with the circle and triangle logo of GSO and the WSO. They cannot be displayed with the circle and triangle logo for copyright reasons. They can be used regularly throughout our branding, however, as an alternative.

Mood Board

Pastoral and rural images that are primarily green will appear regularly in our material. As well as echoing our local area, they also evoke feelings of openness and freedom that are consistent with our fellowship and programme.

Photographs are to be kept simple and professional looking at all times and should not pixellate.

Take extra care to ensure that images used are marked as free to use or 'creative commons'.


When clicking on the Google Slides template button below, you will be prompted to make a copy. 

Once the file is open you can edit the document as you need. If you have any problems with the template, please check the second (red) slide which gives you some handy pointers. 

If you encounter any errors with the template, please contact the ECLO using the contact form.