Gratitude Week

Below is the text from a letter from the Honorary Treasurer regarding gratitude week. Many groups take a separate collection for the month of June for Gratitude Week and send it in at the end of the month. 

Please send contributions to the Intergroup. The treasurer will then forward all contributions on directly to GSO as one payment. Follow these steps to make your payment.

March 2024

For the attention of the Group Treasurer

Gratitude Week – June 2024

An Invitation to Share

Dear Friends

I hope this finds you all well. 

The 10th of June 2024 marks the 89th anniversary of the founding of our Fellowship. 

Gratitude or Sobriety Week as it was first known, had its origins in Chiltern and Thames Intergroup in the early to mid 1980’s. The idea was to hold a separate collection in Groups on or around the week of 10th June. This extra collection would be for those members, who could afford to, to contribute what they thought a day’s drinking would cost them at today’s prices. The monies collected would be forwarded by the Groups to their Intergroup Treasurer, who would in turn send the total collection from their Intergroup directly to GSO. 

Following the successes of this initiative, Conference 1988 made the following recommendation: -

“That the Fellowship contrives to recognise our anniversary on 10 June by holding annually a Gratitude/Sobriety week”.

This collection has become an annual event ever since and the General Service Board are infinitely grateful for your continued generosity. As stated in previous letters, “These arrangements will ensure the correct allocation of funds and help keep to a minimum, administration costs and bank charges and maximise the prudent spending of those funds to fulfil our primary purpose”.

It is important to reiterate that any amount will be gratefully received and only those who can afford to are asked to contribute if they can. All Gratitude Week monies should be forwarded to GSO by 30 September 2024, which is the last day of the current Financial Year.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need more information. 

Thank you again so much for your generosity and service to our wonderful Fellowship.

With Love in Fellowship.

Yours sincerely

Clive K

Hon. Treasurer GSB