To Employers

A man or woman with a drinking problem should be offered help. They are suffering from a deadly disease which in the UK will kill nearly 9,000 people this year. More generally, addiction to alcohol or alcoholism, as it is often referred to, is a problem at all levels of our society. Addiction is like an iceberg individually and collectively. What we see is as nothing compared to what lies beneath. The people impacted by the illness in an individual, start with the family who see more of the illness and the destructive behaviour, then the friends, then the co-workers and finally the employer becomes aware. The employee is frightened, burdened by guilt and wants to conceal his illness and continue to drink and or use. That is his only relief.

AA with its 85 years’ experience and millions of recoveries is ready to engage with any organisations who are keen to return valued employees to a productive healthy life. We have education, training and support for HR and other work-related support services. Our chit system enables employees to demonstrate to HR and other  professionals attendance at our meetings as part of an agreed recovery programme.

NHS data on the problem

Like the iceberg, for each one that is known there may be another nine that we know nothing about. Here is what the NHS say: “Alcohol-related admissions to hospital have grown by 17% over the last decade – in 2016/17 there were 337,000 estimated admissions – 2.1% of the total. Alcohol-related harm is estimated to cost the NHS in England £3.5 billion every year.”

What can employers do?

So, how can good employers large and small respond? Generally, by a systematic engagement with the problem. This starts with understanding the nature of the disease, its scale and how we can deal with it. Today most large organisations public and private understand much of this but it still needs to be highlighted as many smaller employers, rightly, are primarily focussed on their business activity.

AA as a resource for employers

Here’s a link to a PDF leaflet AA as a Resource for Employers.

AA has a number of service functions that you can tap into at no financial cost, which have been created to work with professional organisations. Have a look at our videos for professionals.


Currently our area has several meetings a day. Please see the meetings page in the menu for times and venues. Following the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions, most groups have restarted in-person meetings, but several are also available online.

Most meetings are held in the evenings, but there are several daytime meetings available. The meetings are in a similar format around the area and all those present share the same desire as the newcomer to stay sober. The newcomer will be warmly welcomed and need only sit and listen to get identification about their drinking. The meetings are informal and meetings last 60-90 minutes.

Many groups have ‘open’ meetings. This is where friends, family, professionals and interested parties can attend one of our meetings. They may wish to accompany a suffering alcoholic, or to get a better understanding of our recovery program. Otherwise, meetings are ‘Closed’ for alcoholics or those who think they have a drink problem.

If you would like to attend an ‘Open’ meeting in our area please use the use the 'Contact Us' form to arrange it.

Alcoholics Anonymous operates a 24hr helpline, manned by recovering alcoholics. Details of meetings and further information can be obtained on this number.

Many of you will regularly see the consequences of alcoholism and alcohol abuse in your work. Today, however, many such people are sober, responsible members of society through attending AA meetings and practising our 12 step programme of recovery and, helping others to recover from alcoholism.